Catholic Allies in Truth                       

"                       "Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it...."    Pope St. Felix III  (483 to 492)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vs#2

"Truth enlightens man's intelligence and shapes his freedom, leading him to know and love the Lord."   (Pope St. John Paul II, Veritatis splendor)


How manifold are your works, O Lord!  In wisdom you have wrought them all --   Ps 104: 24

Our Work   (Some of our efforts)


Personal Efforts:

- Give thanks and ask for Divine guidance

- Be faithful; pray for Church and country

- Draw close to our Lord and Savior at Mass and Adoration

- Keep informed; share with members and others

- Support and encourage one another

- Faithfully serve Truth in Love

- Defend the Catholic Faith


Possible Projects:

- facilitate book study groups on Catholic topics

- show and share authentic Catholic videos and readings

- participate in right-to-life, defense of marriage and other reform efforts of non-negotiables

- write/speak with state legislature on 'life' and 'marriage' issues

- prayerfully try to inform and persuade clergy, laity and others of challenges to truth, freedom, human dignity and the common good


Pray for, encourage and support all Catholic clergy:

- urge them to avoid promoting political bias and philosophies, such as, socialism/ collectivism and excess reliance upon government

- to defend freedom of religion, conscience and all God-given liberties threatened by secularism, corruption, immorality, and an all encompassing centralized government

- to promote subsidarity in decision-making as it serves human dignity, the common good, freedom, personal responsibility, and morality

- to refute syncretism with non-Catholic religious influences, such as, New Age practices

- to refute anti-Catholic doctrinal dissensions and the inter-group agitation and antagonism of political community organizing

In all things, pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.